PassKeep Support

Create an Account

We're glad you want to sign up and try PassKeep! The first step in getting started with PassKeep is creating your PassKeep account. You can start a free trial or purchase a new plan. Instructions may vary, depending on the web browser you are using during account setup.
  1. Navigate to the PassKeep pricing page at
  2. Choose the plan that fits you.
  3. Enter an email address for your new account.
  4. Create a new Master Password and confirm it. We recommend that you use a phrase that is unique to your life that you can easily remember. Tip: Learn more about creating a strong Master Password.
  5. Submit your info, and check your email.
Your PassKeep account has been created and activated 🎉

How do I import passwords from other sources into PassKeep?

If you're switching from another password manager, you've probably already spent some time storing your usernames, passwords, and other information in that software or web browser. You have the ability to import your stored data seamlessly into PassKeep. (Currently only CSV files are supported)
  1. Login to PassKeep.
  2. In the bottom right corner click on your profile then 'Import'.
  3. Select the CSV from your device.
  4. Link the fields to each other (Drag and drop), after click next.
  5. Select which passwords you want to import, after click next.
  6. The passwords are now importing, wait until the process is completed.

Save your passwords

Method 1: Add passwords manually
  1. Open your Passkeep app and select Passwords from the left-hand menu.
  2. Click Add item or tap + if you're using the mobile app.
  3. Fill in the blanks for your credential. You’ll want to include the Website, Login, and Password fields as these are necessary to automatically sign in to an account.
  4. Click 'Save' to save.

Method 2: Import passwords from a CSV file
Please see to the item above for instructions on how to import passwords.

I can’t log in to my account, or may have forgotten my Master Password

If you can't log in to your PassKeep account, or if think you may have forgotten your Master Password, please contact our support. We will try to work this out and get you back on to PassKeep to make your online easy and secure again.

How do I sync my data between all my devices?

PassKeep's data sync is enabled by default and is fully automatic, you don't have to do/enable anything.
Trouble with Passkeep sync? Please contact our support to get your issue resolved.

How do I activate dark mode?

On the web:
  1. Open your Passkeep app and select App settings from the left-hand menu.
  2. Under appearance check the Dark theme toggle

In the app:
  1. Open your Passkeep app and select Main settings from the left-hand menu.
  2. Under theme check the Dark theme box

PassKeep security options

PassKeep provides a safer online experience that helps protect your identity by allowing you to create unique, complex passwords for all of your Sites, in addition to securely storing this information using local encryption. This means that you only have to remember a single strong password, your PassKeep Master Password.

However, PassKeep knows that one size does not fit all when balancing security and ease of use, so we allow you to decide by providing a full range of security options. The default values chosen will certainly not satisfy everyone, and we strongly encourage you to review the settings in both your Web Browser Extension Preferences and your Account Settings (My Vault > Account Settings) shortly after creating your account.

Can other people see the password I shared with them?

No. There is currently only one permission setting for password sharing:

Limited Rights: The recipient can use this password, but cannot share it nor edit its sharing rights and contents.

Other sharing options will be added in future updates.

What does PassKeep collect?

PassKeep only collects the info you provide in the PassKeep app, we don't log your account, login or form fill history. Currently, we also don't collect error reporting, but this might change to improve PassKeep.

Does PassKeep use trackers?

No. PassKeep is 100% free of trackers, also none of your data will ever be sold or used for any other purposes than the PassKeep app.

Still have a question?

Get help from the PassKeep Support, by email, or on Twitter.